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Shotdock Claw 1280x900 Lines Alpha Inver

S H O T D O C K   S Y S T E M 

HandleBar System 1280x700 LinesAlphaInve

H A N D L E B A R   S Y S T E M 

Shotdock Claw 1280x900 Lines Alpha Inver

S H O T D O C K   S Y S T E M 




During the warranty period, our products will be free from defects in both materials and workmanship. During the Warranty period the services purchased from the site will be performed in accordance with generally recognised industry standards for similar services. 

We limit the duration and the remedies of all implied warranties, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, to the duration of this limited warranty.


Our responsibility for defective products is limited to repair, replacement or pro rata refund as set forth in this warranty statement.  Repair or replacement includes parts and labour. Our Responcibility for defective services is limited to repair, re- performance or pro rata refund s set forth in thsi warranty statement.  Neither any performance or other conduct, nor any oral or written information , statement or advice provided by us, or any of our agents or employees will creat a wattanty, or in any way increase the scope or duration of this limited warranty.


We will pay shipping and handling costs for repair or replacement of any defects of products under this limited warranty. If you believe a defect in your product exists, you must first contact us at in order to allow us to attempt a remote analysis of the issues and provide a solution to the problem. If we determine that a potential defect exists, we will provide several options with regards to repair, labour and replacement of components. You will be responsible for the safe packaging and safe delivery of the parts to one of our courier services depots if we are unable to arrange a pickup from your address.

Delay in preparing and issuing the parts for pickup/ delivery will result in a delayed resolution to the problems and as such we are not obligated to issue you any replacement, refund in whole or in part of any payment made to us for any such products.


W H O  M A Y   U S E   T H I S   W A R R A N T Y ?

This limited warranty extends only to the original purchaser of products and services from us. It does not extend to any subsequent or other owner or transferee of the product or any transferee or other beneficiary of the service.


W H A T   T H I S   W A R R A N T Y   C O V E R S
During the Warranty Period (as defined below), this limited warranty covers defects in

materials and workmanship in products and services purchased from us, including Upgrades.


W H A T   T H I S   W A R R A N T Y   D O E S   N O T   C O V E R 

This limited warranty does not cover any damages due to: 

  • Transportation.

  • Storage.

  • Improper use, including but not limited to use that is prohibited or

       identified as improper in any operation manual, applicable product or service manual, or                     documentation.

  • Illegal use, under any applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, or orders.

  • Failure to follow the product instructions or to perform any preventive maintenance.

  • Modifications to the original product (other than Upgrades).

  • Combination or use with any products, materials, processes,

       systems or other matter not provided by us or not authorised in writing by us.

  • Repairs using unauthorised parts and not following Griphaus guidelines.

  • Normal wear and tear.

  • External causes such as accidents, abuse, or other actions or events beyond our reasonable control.


T H E   W A R R A N T Y   P E R I O D
Subject to the Terms, the warranty period (the “Warranty Period”) is as follows:

(i) Twenty four (24) months from the date the unit shipped to the original customer from new.

The Warranty Period terminates immediately if you reject a mandatory upgrade offered to you. The Warranty Period is not extended if we repair or replace a warranted product or re-perform a warranted service. We may change the availability of this limited warranty at our discretion, but any changes will not be retroactive.


R E M E D I E S   U N D E R   T H I S   W A R R A N T Y

With respect to any defective products claimed during the Warranty Period, we will, in our sole discretion, either: (i) repair or replace such products (or the defective part) free of charge or (ii) refund a pro rata amount of the purchase price of such products. The pro rata refund will be a fraction of a full refund and reflect the amount of use you have received from your product through the date of your claim. The amount of use will be the greater amount determined by (1) dividing the number of months which have elapsed from the date of your purchase to the date you claim by the number of months in the Warranty Period. If we elect to repair or replace the defective products, shipping and handling we also be included in this warranty claim.


With respect to any defective services during the Warranty Period, we will, in our sole discretion, either: (i) repair or re-perform the defective services free of charge or (ii) refund the purchase price of such services in part or in whole, in our sole discretion.

(f) Obtaining Warranty Service.

You will be issued with a warranty of the same twenty four (24) months which will commence from the date once final handover has taken place. 


L I M I T A T I O N   O F   L I A B I L I T Y   F O R   B R E A C H   O F   

L I M I T E D   W A R R A N T Y

The remedies described above are your sole and exclusive remedies and our entire obligation and liability for any breach of this limited warranty. Our liability will under no circumstances exceed the actual amount paid by you for the defective product or service purchased from us, nor will we under any circumstances be liable for any loss of opportunity, production, work, data, use, business, goodwill, reputation, revenue or profit, any diminution in value, costs of replacement products or services, or any consequential, incidental, special or punitive damages or losses, whether direct or indirect.


D I S P U T E   R E S O L U T I O N

You acknowledge and agree that the dispute resolution procedure detailed in Section 17 is the sole remedy available to you if you believe that we have not performed our obligations under this limited warranty or these Terms.


D I S C L A I M E R   O F   O T H E R   W A R R A N T I E S

Except for the express limited warranties set forth in section 6, all products and services are provided “as is.” We hereby disclaim all other warranties, whether express, implied, statutory or other (including all warranties arising from course of dealing, usage or trade practice), and specifically disclaim all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement.


L I M I T A T I O N   O F   L I A B I L I T Y

Neither us nor our representatives are liable for consequential, indirect, incidental, special, punitive or enhanced damages, lost profits or revenues or diminution in value, arising out of or relating to any breach of these terms, regardless of (a) whether such damages were foreseeable, (b) whether or not we or you were advised of the possibility of such damages and (c) whether the legal or equitable theory (contract, tort, or otherwise) upon which the claim is based is alleged to be a failure of its essential purpose.


M A X I M U M   L I A B I L I T Y 

Our aggregate liability arising out of or related to your purchase of products or services from us, whether arising out of or related to breach of contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, shall not exceed the total of the amounts paid to us pursuant to your purchase of products or services from us.


A S S U M P T I O N   O F   R I S K 

Without limiting the generality of any other terms, you assume all risk and liability for the results obtained by the use of any products or services, whether in terms of operating costs, general effectiveness, success or failure, and regardless of any oral or written statements made by us, by way of technical advice or otherwise, related to the use of the products or services.

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