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Vibration Isolator
Claw Housing
Offset Housing
Ring Housing
Rigging Kit
Coming Soon 1.png
Shotdock Claw 1280x900 Lines Alpha Inver

S H O T D O C K   S Y S T E M 

HandleBar System 1280x700 LinesAlphaInve

H A N D L E B A R   S Y S T E M 

Shotdock Claw 1280x900 Lines Alpha Inver

S H O T D O C K   S Y S T E M 


The Handlebar is a modest description for a tool that unequivocally sets the NEW standard for what support rigs should deliver, providing you with functionality unseen anywhere else on the planet. They form the foundations to an entire system of supporting accessories, all specifically designed to address your needs.

HandleBar Main 1280x700 LinesAlpha 2 PS.

"A common issue with gimbals has always been grip fatigue and excessive shear force on the wrist joint when jibbing the gimbal to extreme high or low positions. GripHaus resolved this by reducing the leverage point on the wrist, offsetting the weight of the gimbal behind the handle to put the wrist in an ergonomically advantageous position." - James Davis  ACO


Twist lock

T W I S T   L C K   H A N D L E S

Both handles swivel around the Handlebar and can be locked and unlocked at any angle (+/- 70 degrees from vertical) with a simple twist of the wrist. 

With the ability to adjust the angle of the handle grips, one can significantly improve the ergonomics and bio-mechanical handling of a gimbal in both low and high level modes. 

The action is smooth and the degree of twist between locked and unlocked is minimal, allowing easy execution during a take.

HandleBar Twist Lock Handles 1280x500 Re
HandleBar Twist Lock Handles 1280x500 Re
Tilting Monitor

T I L T I N G   M O N I T O R   M O U N T

The world’s first fully tilting monitor mount that can swivel +/- 70 degrees with a uniquely developed spring mechanism allowing the monitor to return to centre. 


The need to have both 'live' adjust handling is also shared by the desire to maintain an optimum 'live' viewing angle of the monitor, making the two intrinsically linked. The very nature of the tilting action is completely instinctual and requires very little thought for its execution.

HandleBar Tilting Monitor Mount 1280x500
HandleBar Tilting Monitor Mount 1280x500

R O T A T I O N   L O C K O U T

Rotation Lockout

Both the left and right rotational handle functionality can be locked out to enable a more traditional handlebar setup where the handles are fixed. This lockout feature is activated by releasing the split cotter on the spring block and adjusting its position.  This allows for a vertical orientation only.  

Handlebar Lockout 1280x500 Rendered 2 LR
Handlebar Lockout 1280x500 Rendered 2 LR

Both the left and right handlebar sections can be removed or even repositioned at a 45 degree angle to cater for various handlebar configurations. The option was specifically made to minimise the body twist or crabbing you experience while tracking along someone while using a central support rig like the Easyrig. It reduces the reach needed to clear the rear of the gimbal by bringing the monitor and handle closer to you for increased comfort while still giving you the option to tilt the monitor for height adjustments.

C O N F I U R A T I O N S 

HandleBar Configuration 1280x500 Rendere
HandleBar Configuration 1280x500 Rendere
Support Rigs

P P O R T   R I G S

The Handlebars have been designed to accommodate 3rd party gimbal support rigs by providing various accessories that allow easy integration between the various systems whether it be a single support rig system such as a simple hard mounted bungy cord, a Puppeteer, a Easyrig or a dual support rig such as the Slingshot , the Ready Rig or the new GLink support rig from Flowcine (accessory coming soon).

HandleBar Support Rigs 1280x500 Rendered
HandleBar Support Rigs 1280x500 Rendered
Auto Docking Lock

A U T O    L O C K

Incorporated into the handle blocks is an automated locking system that activates every time you dock the Handlebars onto our Dock OR the Handlebar Extensions, this feature negates the need to remember to manually activate the lock every time. 


The conveniently placed release triggers are placed on both the left and right handles and are activated with a firm press of your thumb allowing for a fast and trouble free release from the Dock or ejection of the Handlebar Extensions whilst maintaining a firm and secure grip of the handles.  

HandleBar Auto Docking Lock 1280x500 Ren
HandleBar Auto Docking Lock 1280x500 Ren



Finish                                                                                                        Type 3 Black Hard Anodised


Monitor tilting range                                                                                                       +/- 70 Degrees

Tube diameter                                                                                                                         24.9 mm                      

Minimum width                                                                                                                         680 mm

Maximum width                                                                                                                        760 mm

Max distance above centre line of bar                                                                                      112 mm

Max distance below centre line of bar                                                                                      192 mm

Payload capacity                                                                                                                           12 kg

Weight                                                                                                                                            TBC.

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