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Vibration Isolator
Claw Housing
Offset Housing
Ring Housing
Rigging Kit
Coming Soon 1.png
Shotdock Claw 1280x900 Lines Alpha Inver

S H O T D O C K   S Y S T E M 

HandleBar System 1280x700 LinesAlphaInve

H A N D L E B A R   S Y S T E M 

Shotdock Claw 1280x900 Lines Alpha Inver

S H O T D O C K   S Y S T E M 


We have developed a very unique Dock which is side mounted and specifically developed to address the need for both Operators and Camera Assistants to have unrestricted access to the camera gimbal.

"GripHaus's unique docking mechanism which let's you simply slide the Movi Pro rig into a docking stand with a positive lock gives you confidence when moving the rig between setups on a camera cart or similar." - Phil Arntz


Locking System

L O C K I N G   S Y S T E M

Our Handlebars have an integrated auto locking system that engages whenever you dock the Handlebars. You are able to dock on either the left or the right side depending on your preference, similarly, the operator can easily un-dock by depressing the lever that is discretely mounted on the Handlebar when they are ready to disengage. 

While the Handlebars are mounted on the Docking system, they are secured in the vertical, horizontal and rotational axis, giving you significantly more control when transporting and rigging the camera gimbal or while connecting or disconnecting 3rd party support rigs.

Dock Locking System 1280x500 Rendered LR
Dock Locking System 1280x500 Rendered LR
Pan Ballance

P A N   B A L L A N C E

The rotational axis of the docking system has been locked to avoid uncontrollable swing of your gimbal, however, we have incorporated a locking index pin to give you the ability to also lock the gimbal in a (+/- 30deg) position. This gives you the ability to setup the pan balance single handedly and in a controlled manner.

Dock Pan Balance 1280x500 Rendered 2 LR.
Dock Pan Balance 1280x500 Rendered 2 LR.
Tool Mount & Spares


The Dock has some integrated mounting holes to allow for the storage of common sized T-Handes used for adjusting the Handlebar, gimbal or its various accessories. We have also included a couple spare cotter/ bolt and spring assemblies which are compatible with the Handlebar system and accessories.

Tool Mount And Spares 1280x500 Rendered
Tool Mount And Spares 1280x500 Rendered


Our Docking System has been specifically designed with a side mounting system in order to provide easy and unrestricted access to your gimbal both during the inital setup and for fine tuning and adjustments throughout the day.  This method of docking has also proven to be very useful in helping the Director of Photography with lighting by positioning the stand or cart facing the set/ scene.

Accessibility 1280x500 Rendered + Movi L
Accessibility 1280x500 Rendered + Movi L
Mounting Plate

M O U N T I N G   P L A T E

We have designed a backing plate to our docking system which allows you to fix any 3rd party accessories to the Docking assembly, whether it be a tool caddy, comms transceiver or monitor. We have provided various pre-tapped 3/8 UNC holes at 2" centres for general use. 

Mounting Plate 1280x500 Rendered LR
Mounting Plate 1280x500 Rendered LR


Finish                                                                                                        Type 3 Black Hard Anodised

Weight                                                                                                                                            TBC.

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